Musical Instruments for Children
In Georgian music schools there is a lack of appropriate instruments for children, such as 1/2 violins, 3 /4 cellos, etc. This makes only a limited tuition possible for gifted children on various instruments.

Scholarships for needy children
V. Sarajishvili Tbilisi State Conservatoire “Music Seminary,” Project in Tbilisi
In late summer of the year 2009 a new Music Academy was inaugurated in Tbilisi. This school, with its special focus on music, is open to all musically talented children from Georgia who are six years of age or more. The academic tuition is partly subsidized by the state (50%), whereas the specific musical education is paid for by a limited fund from the Tbilisi Vano-Saradschischwili Conservatory.
“Vivace” aims to provide financial assistance to individual families in need, in the form of scholarships, so that a profound musical education will be possible for musically talented children regardless of their parents' financial situation.

Association Gaenati, Project in Zugdidi, West-Georgia
The development of cultural opportunities for children from socially neglected families
Zugdidi is a border town to Abkhazia (a conflict zone). After the war in Abkhazia, and during the post-war period, the population in the Samegrelo region doubled because many IDPs came to live in the region.
A new strata of society appeared in the area; namely the IDPs. Their difficult condition is greatly exacerbated by social-economic hardship, unemployment, alcoholism, drug abuse, and a low level of education. The main problem stems from old-fashioned traditions that determine the conduct of men and women. Domestic violence still remains the most serious protection problem facing the children, women and girls concerned.
Children are the primary victims of this hard life. They are not only deprived of normal living conditions, but they are also in need of school facilities, warm clothes, shoes, textbooks or leisure activities. They cannot experience their mother’s warmth and usually lack adequate care from their parents.
Children from such families easily come under the influence of street life where they spend most of their free time. They adopt harmful habits such as begging, stealing, abusing drugs, or drinking alcohol. This has fatal results for the children, as well as for society since these children can become a threat to it.
By utilizing new methods, such as including music in their education, the children's well-being will increase which will result in a healthier society. Music has a positive impact on a person’s life and can be used as a stimulating element in education. Furthermore, music can minimize stress, create a safe study environment and also help a person to focus on something positive, rather than negative. This is a missing element in the daily life of the Samegrelo region children that may be crucial to their future well-being.
There are two functions of spare time:
1) having fun and entertainment
2) stabilizing a personality by means of creative activities.
In order to utilize their free time properly, it will be necessary to establish various clubs in educational and entertainment centers for children. There these children can realize and develop their abilities and also strengthen their personality in a positive way. We would therefore like to present the project of a Musical-Art Studio for children. The project involves IDP and local children from vulnerable families aged 6 to 17 years old. The studio will assist in discovering and further developing the children's creative possibilities.
The project is to be carried out by the Association Gaenati and will include other sections too, such as computing, sports, folk dancing, theatrical art as well as skating courses for the children.

The association of the visually impaired:
Blind People Without Borders
The creation of voiced software for aspiring musicians who are visually impaired
The situation at present: If a person loses one sense, the burden of perceiving the environment continues to be borne by the remaining organs. Among the visually impaired this saying is often heard: If you want to see, you have to listen. Therefore, almost all blind people have excellent hearing.
Music plays a significant role in the life of visually impaired people and their interaction with society. In Georgia there are choirs of visually impaired women and men whose professionalism is quite high. At the State Operas of Tbilisi and Kutaisi visually impaired singers are active. Similarly, there are also professional visually impaired crooners. But the majority of blind people are singing on the subways and in subway stations to earn their daily bread.
In our research, we found that none of the visually impaired know the staff. You learn the songs and musical works by heart with the help of others. This is an obstacle to improving their professionalism. On one hand, the level of their teachers is unknown, on the other hand the visually impaired have no direct access to the source and could not restore it if they forget some parts. It has to be emphasized that a visually impaired person can never play something that they haven't heard from friends. There are also other factors that make it difficult for visually impaired people to learn music: the scant desire of music connoisseurs to teach the visually impaired, the lack of time to arrange financial barriers, and music teachers.
All of the above results in this conclusion: The visually impaired should have an opportunity to independently obtain and study a musical work as it was written by the author.
The aim of the project: The creation of Georgian software for the visually impaired that gives them independent access to musical works which are in accordance with the authors' interpretation, for practice and play, and includes special techniques for attaining a certain level of musical education.